It is close to Guangzhou and is a 20-minute drive from the high-speed rail station. The high-speed rail goes directly to Guangzhou in one hour. It is convenient for customers to come and visit the factory at any time. They can also watch the factory online via social media. We provide screen printing design of the logo + company name + content on the battery casing and carton. If the minimum order quantity for a single model reaches 200pcs, we can design and provide color cartons for free.
Fast delivery, the basic delivery time is controlled at 10-15 days, which is much higher than the average of peers. Arrange current/voltage testing before shipment, and can accept third-party testing arranged by customers. If quality problems are proven during the warranty period, replenishment or refund will be arranged for the next order.
Provide OEM/ODM, for more than 12 batteries with a capacity of 100AH and above, we can help design the printing content on the outside of the battery case. More than 200 cartons can be provided in color. The cartons can be designed with color and content layout. Printing, laser and stickers can be provided on the outside.
Quality Inspection
In addition to sampling and testing multiple complete charge and discharge cycles during the production process, 100% excessive current machine testing is required before packaging and shipment. The maximum current lasts for 5 seconds. The battery has no short circuit or abnormality. The voltage value is 100% tested to ensure the test voltage. The value cannot be lower than 12.80V before shipment.
Quick Response
Delivery Policy
If the customer has a freight forwarding company in China, we can do EXW and FOB transactions. If there is no freight forwarding company, we can provide CIF to the port or tax-included + door-to-door DDP.
Guangdong Tiangang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China, the first overseas Chinese hometown in China.